The development of the BayesNetVis tool was funded by:

Further details on the Ecosystem services trade-offs Bayesian network and BayesNetVis tool can be found in the following report:

The Team

Data production and model development

Josean Fernandes

Xavier Corrales

Arantza Murillas

Bruno Iñarra

Carlos Bald

Raúl Prellezo

Deniz Tasdemir

Adrian Martin

Xabier Irigoien

Software development and design

Gotzon Mandiola

Dario Masante

Ana D. Maldonado

Maria Korta

Ibon Galparsoro

Izaro Goienetxea


If you have any question about BayesNetVis tool, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The graph shows the dependence relationships between the variables in the model and the marginal probability distribution of each variable. If a piece of evidence is introduced in a node (shown in red color), the probability distribution of the other nodes might change. If you want to set an evidence control-click in the specific node.
When a piece of evidence is set, the probability distribution of the other nodes might change. Observe how the introduction of the new belief changes your nodes of interest. 'Prior' refers to the probability distribution before the introduction of the new belief (light grey bars). 'Posterior' refers to the probability distribution after the introduction of the new belief (black bars).
Both the barchart and the table show the probability distribution of the chosen node for each combination of its parent nodes' states. Graphically, the length of each bar is proportional to how likely it is that a variable (node) takes a particular value (state). On the other hand, the table shows numbers from 0 to 1,with 1 representing that the state of the node is known with certainty given the state of its parents.

Explore the model parameters

Check out the conditional probability distribution of a node of interest, i.e., its distribution for each combination of the parent node's states.

Node description

State description